Roof garden and outdoor living space

Growing a garden on the roof is not only nice, but also has many unique benefits such as cooling, air conditioning, anti-free…

Garden on the roof is a different architecture. Vietnam Outdoor Furniture please analyze some advantages of roof garden as follow:

1. Benefits

Green roofs bring benefits to both public and private. If you have a garden on the roof, aesthetics of your house was raised many times and can attract more attention.

green garden on the roof | Vietnam Outdoor Furniture

In addition, there are many benefits of roof garden for house, especially in urban housing.

2. Air conditioner

Water is stored by substrate (natural soil, soil biology…) of roof gardens and then trees absorb water and put back atmosphere.  The garden not only keep rain water but also air conditioning.

roof garden likes air conditioner | Vietnam Outdoor Furniture

Another important benefit always comes with roof garden is the cooling for housing as well as the surrounding area during the hot summer through evaporation. Light is absorbed by green trees make water evaporate instead transfer into energy to head your living space.
air conditioner from roof garden | Vietnam Outdoor Furniture
roof garden for nice house
3. Cleaning the air

In fact, the greatest benefit was the ability to purify the air of the roof garden. Trees absorb pollutants and converting them into oxygen, remove toxic substances completely.

purify the air | Outdoor Furniture in Vietnam

4. Insulation and fireproof

Roof garden provide extremely good insulation and significantly reduce energy use for air conditioning in the house.
trees on the roof | Vietnam Outdoor Furniture

Moreover, roof with more trees can help to reduce the temperature of your house to protect your hoem against fire and noise reduction effectively.

5. Multifunction

As you can see, there are many things to talk about on the roof garden than just talking about aesthetics. Of course, beautiful is very important for the garden. Moreover, roof garden attract insects and birds, so you can nest them, bringing natural to living space.

multifunction roof garden | Vietnam Outdoor Furniture

For urban environments, the roof garden is really worth freshness.

Whether you are an architect, furniture designer, business, who are about to own a house in the future or a fancy exploring, the garden on the roof is a very good choice for you.

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