Some nice corridor for your house

Corridor is an important part of the house. It could be the first impression of the guests when they visit your home.

nice corridor | Vietnam Outdoor Furniture

That is why you should decorate this corner of the house. So you can learn some tips to make the area look more attractive.

horizontal stripes for your corridor | Outdoor Furniture in Vietnam

Stripes are always luxury and beautiful. If you use horizontal stripes to this area we will look longer. You can use the big contrasting stripes colors to create a dynamic look.

combine with stripes | Outdoor Furniture Manufacturers

You can decorate the corridor with a bold and vibrant colors. This way will help it impression when you combine with striped carpet.

decorate with photo frames | Outdoor Furniture Manufacturers

You can choose your family photos or photos from your travels and hang them along the wall.
Corridor is a transition zone and the area to move. However, this does not mean that you can’t take advantage of it and become an area can store in home. You can research about accessories to design for your house in Vietnam Outdoor Furniture

luxury corridor | Vietnam Outdoor Furniture

shelves in corridor | Outdoor Furniture in Vietnam