Design a nice garden with broken vase

Design a nice outdoor garden with the items damages, it is very wonderful. You do not need a lot of money to create an impressive feature for your garden.

decorate the garden with broken vase | Vietnam Outdoor Furniture

If you make a vase broken,  you can use to decorate for your garden

cut the vase to decorate in the garden | Vietnam Outdoor Furniture

Beside, homeowners can cut the vase according to the preferred shape to decorate for the garden.
the broken vase with moss | Outdoor Furniture in Vietnam

You will pour the soil and put the porcelain pieces according your design. Then, you locate the decorations as the house, up the stairs. Finally, you can add some small trees, moss…

strange vase for design | Vietnam Outdoor Furniture

Even you can mix more type of vases to create a highlight point in your garden
plant the tree in the broken vase | Outdoor Furniture in Vietnam

Because the soil in this pot are not many, so you should choose the trees which easy grow, easy to care and do not need much land.
some ornaments for broken vase | Manufacturers Outdoor Furniture

A few small ornaments and shrubs  to create beautiful vase
cactus grown in the broken vase | Outdoor Furniture Manufacturers

A bridge spiral staircase is very popular in design with broken vase
design the broken vase looks like a bridge spiral staircase | Vietnam Outdoor Furniture

A colorful forest in small spaces

use broken vase to design the garden | Vietnam Outdoor Furniture

If you want to expand the exhibition space, you can combine 2 -3 per side of the vase
nice vase for the garden | Vietnam Outdoor Furniture

The white stones interspersed with trees create an impressive art. 
combine the broken vases  | Vietnam Outdoor Furniture

use white stones in design in the broken vase | Vietnam Outdoor Furniture